Monday, April 07, 2008

Longmonts Warehouse District

This past Saturday night we secured the services of a babysitter and went down to Mike and Laura's warehouse, aka worldwide headquarters of 24x7 Restoration, for a night of rock and roll. The party didn't start until 8p, which for old folks like us, is already past our bedtime.
Mike and Laura did an awesome job converting their shop into a nightclub for the evenings festivities. First up was the warm up band, Room for Cream, or at least that's what they were calling themselves this night. Mike, Dave, and Ari rocked it out.

The main attraction of the night was the Big Squid reunion. I guess these guys were real BIG in the area back in the day. My poor old man ears could only take so much of the volume and we bagged out at 10:00. A late night these days... :)

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